How to Give Your Guinea Pig a Good, Healthy Diet

How to Give Your Guinea Pig a Good, Healthy Diet

If you love your guinea pig you want the best diet for it. This diet is useful for your piggies its healthy and very tasty!


  1. Give Your Guinea Pig a Good, Healthy Diet Step 1.jpg
    Select a good pellet. Make sure the pellets you select have nutritional value. Use alfalfa based pellets for guinea pigs under 6 months old and timothy based pellets for older guinea pigs. Use a plain pellets without any added seeds or colored bits. Make sure that the pellets is fortified with stabilized vitamin C.
  2. Give Your Guinea Pig a Good, Healthy Diet Step 2.jpg
    Mix pellets if you wish. If you wish to mix pellets that is fine. It will provide variety but make sure you put a fair amount in. On average an adult guinea pig needs about one quarter of pellets per day so mix it up fairly.
  3. Give Your Guinea Pig a Good, Healthy Diet Step 3.jpg
    Add Hay. Hay is extremely important. Your guinea pig should have constant access to it. Use Timothy hay or a very good quality meadow hay.
  4. Give Your Guinea Pig a Good, Healthy Diet Step 4.jpg
    Give him Vegetables. Veg is very important too. One adult guinea pig should have 1 cup of veg per day. Like humans guinea pigs do not make their own vitamin c and rely on their diet.
  5. Give Your Guinea Pig a Good, Healthy Diet Step 5.jpg
    Fruit should be a treat every now and again. Oranges can cause sores in the mouth so should be limited to one slice per week.
  6. Give Your Guinea Pig a Great Life Step 4.jpg
    Unlimited fresh water. Seems obvious but important.
  7. Give Your Guinea Pig a Good, Healthy Diet Step 7.jpg
    Know which Foods that are dangerous. In order to give a good diet you need to know foods that are dangerous the following website has a good list:
  8. Give Your Guinea Pig a Good, Healthy Diet Step 8.jpg
    Grazing. If you have a chemical free grass with nothing dangerous and cats/dogs don’t use as the bathroom your guinea pig will love to graze there.
  9. Give Your Guinea Pig a Good, Healthy Diet Step 9.jpg
    Alternatively, have Homemade treats. You can easily bake treats for your guinea pigs every now and again. Just Google “Homemade guinea pig treat recipes”
  10. Give Your Guinea Pig a Good, Healthy Diet Step 10.jpg
    Exercise. Exercise is important so your guinea pig does not become overweight.
  11. Give Your Guinea Pig a Good, Healthy Diet Step 11.jpg
    Limit foods. Don`t overfeed your guinea pig as tempting as it is.


This is a video on what to feed your guinea pig so it has a healthy diet. It discusses hay, water, vegetables, and pellet food.


  • It’s not recommended to buy treat from the pet store because they usually contain ingredients that aren’t good for guinea pigs such as seeds in treat sticks, milk in yogurt drops and other harmful stuff.

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